5 Dec. 24 - Kinepolis Kortrijk

Are you a jobseeker ?

Are you an employer ?
For workers, operators, builders, technicians, drivers, installers, engineers & meer
Are you looking for a job in the construction sector? Then meet dozens of companies looking for people with your profile during this day packed with work-related activities. So you have all the assets in your hands to find your next job.
1 Free registration
This is the ideal opportunity to discover the latest job vacancies in transport and logistics in a professional context where big names in the sector come in search of the ideal candidate.
2 Speed Dating
As part of the Job Day, employers are at your service during professional speed-dating sessions. Seize this chance to gather information and perhaps even find a new career.
3 Advice and information
Meet the Construction Hub experts and their strategic partners and discover the job vacancies that match your profile.

Take part in Job Day and find out about the latest opportunities in construction and engineering
I am a jobseekerRegistered? Keep an eye on your e-mail. You will receive your admission ticket and full practical details a few days before the event.

Recruit on the Job Day with the help of our teams
In search of the ideal candidate?
Click below and join our next Job Day. Once you have registered, our teams will contact you.
including: desk, chairs, Wi-Fi and the possibility of placing a maximum of two roll-ups
on the basis of the profiles that you recruit. Our teams take care of it
Placing your offerings on our
digital Job Wall
for your company
Drinks included
via all Construction Hub & VDAB channels
via all channels of Matexpo
With the support of